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My Mother's Story Video

My Mother's Story from Bojan Dulabic on Vimeo.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Glenda M -

My Mother Helen L. Hill always wrote in red pen.

Helen was born in Ancaster, Ont. Canada. She was the daughter of a Dairy Farmer, the middle child of 3. Her parents were Hungarian. Her mother’s mother, my great grandmother, came from Hungary when she was just 13, married and with child. She lived on the prairies of Saskatchewan.

My great grandmother told me things I've never forgotten. She was a women who spoke Hungarian always. She wore a dress that was 30 years old and you'd never know it, unless she showed you where she patched it. Her home was the cleanest I’ve ever known. I looked up to her and still speak of her, driving across Canada, many times I've thought of her and spoke about where I came from as I drove...

To read the rest of Glenda's story of Helen go to Ultimate Stories.

1 comment:

glenda SR. said...

Im Glenda L. Hill I wrote this story about my mother Helen, I would just like to thank my oldest daughter Glendaa Maisha Baddoo II for giving me the idea to tell it, Glendaa Maisha is attending Syracuse Univeristy in New York Stae, Film Produation she is in her last year, My as we call her has written a story losly based on my life, that made me think of where i came from, and this is what i wrote for my mother. thank you my, love you mom